Wednesday, March 26, 2014

412 Exposed

I remember someone once asking me... "Do you think you will ever preach?" I laughed and answered "unless God strikes me down from heaven... NO." That was at the beginning of 2010. Within a month in my prayer time I kept feeling like God had filled me with something to say and I was supposed to say it. As I was reading the bible I came across a verse 1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth but be an example to the believers in word, conduct, love, spirit, faith, and purity. I loved that scripture and posted it to my Facebook. A week later my Pastor, Boss, & Dad walked into my office and said he had received a new vision for our young adult ministry and wanted me to head it up. I freaked out a little bit inside. My eyes got wide and I asked... why me? He said, well I really like the verse that you put on your Facebook and think you would be a great face to the ministry. Although I didn't know what it would fully entail, as always, I said yes. I am a fan of starting new things, changing things up, and basically doing whatever needs to be done (especially in the things of The Lord). So with that being said we started along on working out a plan to kickstart this new ministry. At first I just kind of MC'ed Sunday nights. Although inside I felt the desire to speak, I never mentioned that to anyone. As I said before... God would have to strike me from heaven to make that happen. Along with the desire welling up inside of me, Pastor Loren asked me to speak the following month. With shaky and sweaty hands and my heart beating super fast... I did it! It was a crazy experience and I loved every minute of it! I knew this is what I was supposed to do.

Almost 4 years later, we as a young adult group, have been striving to be exactly who God has called us to be. With 1 Timothy 4:12 in mind... we are pressing forward in the plans and purposes of God. My burden is to see a generation, my generation, rise up and take their place in the plans and purposes of God. No matter how hard, how uncomfortable, or how unprepared we may feel... for this generation to say YES to His call!

412 Connect //  Bible Study Break Out Groups with
Worship & Free Coffee

412 Band

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