Thursday, April 10, 2014

BE YOU! It's Who God Created You To Be.

I am weird. I know.

Have you ever had the sense that someone was judging you? Have you ever felt like someone was always comparing himself or herself to you? They probably were. It’s life. What do we do about it? Nothing. Why? Because God’s perspective on our lives is way more important than other people’s thoughts on our lives. Each and every one of us was created for a specific purpose, plan, and calling and no one else can fulfill it. And with that being said... you're different from everybody else. And that's a good thing.

I grew up a PK. If you do not know what a PK is, it is a Pastor’s Kid. Who really knows what that means? No one. People always try and put other people into categories. They think, well you’re a pastor’s kid so you go in this box or... you’re from this income family so I will put you in this box. Our life, for sure, has an impact on how we grow up but it does not have to shape us into what we become. I am a firm believer that God uses those things so we can learn from them but, by no means, plans to put us in a box and keep us there the rest of our lives. 

Back to being a PK, which has absolutely no meaning at all. My father is a Pastor of a mega church close to Detroit, Michigan. I remember him telling me something really important one time when I was concerned about my role and responsibility in the church. I was concerned about what people thought of me, and also what they thought of my role in the church. 

He said, “Do you know what God has called you to do?” 
I responded “yes.” 
He said, “Are you doing it?” 
I said “yes.” 
He said back to me “as long as you know you are doing what God has called you to do that is all that matters.” 

That stuck with me. That was so important to me and so moving inside my spirit that I will never forget it. So many times we are worried what others think about what we are doing and how they view us, that we forget the call that God has on our life. 

Who are you? Where are you from? What do you look like? Well honestly... I don't care and neither should you. All that matters is you are a child of God. That is who you are. That is where your identity should be found. 

Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.

Psalms 139:13 For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. 

Never let those verses leave your heart and never get caught up in what others think or say about you. You are you and that is exactly who God created you to be. So be it. Know you are a child of God and ask God to give you eyes to see from HIS perspective. It's the best perspective.. ever. 


  1. I needed this. Today. Thank you, and Bless you!! :)

    1. Glad this helped you out in a time you needed it! Have an amazing day!
