Monday, April 21, 2014


You are beautiful. YOU are beautiful. You ARE beautiful. You are BEAUTIFUL.

So many girls LONG to hear this phrase.  So many girls actually DO hear this phrase. But what’s really important is believing this phrase. Song of Solomon says… you are all together beautiful, my darling, there is no flaw in you. Take that verse. Believe that verse. And own that verse. YOU reading this… are beautiful. YOU reading this have been chosen specifically by God Himself. YOU reading this have potential; a call, talent, beauty, and you are amazing.

Pop culture these days have created an image that many girls strive to be. Tall, skinny, collarbones protruding, a gap between your thighs, long luscious hair, sun-kissed skin, a new outfit everyday, and the list goes on and on. How do we achieve this? Wear high heels everyday until we get bunions and back problems, never eat because, well that’s the only way to be that skinny, exercise until we cannot even breathe or walk anymore, go tanning until we get a precancerous spot on our skin, and spend our entire pay checks on clothes! We don’t need to pay the important bills right? So I ask again… how do we achieve this? It’s impossible! I could also suggest walking around with a “photoshopped” photo of yourself in your hand and convincing people you really do look perfect. Because… anyone can look perfect when “photoshoppped.” Or I could suggest spending 30 minutes everyday trying to get the perfect selfie to post on your Facebook and Instagram. Or I could suggest something that is actually possible for you to do.

It is possible to see us the way God sees us. It is possible to not look to other people for compliments and approval, but look to God for HIS approval. Know this… He approves of you, He thinks you’re beautiful, He loves you much more than anyone could ever love you! And that is what really matters. Be-YOU-tiful. Because that's who God created you to be. 

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