
Hi Guys! I am super excited to say that I just released a cover of Touch the Sky by Hillsong UNITED to my YouTube account! This song has literally been in my mind and heart since it's release a little bit ago. If you know me... you know I love music but I also have a heart to Latin America! So with that being said I wanted to join the two and do a cover video of one of my favorite worship songs at this moment!

Link to YouTube // Ashley Garza YouTube

Incessant Love is my newest single and I'm SO excited about it! I am also excited because I was able to release my first music video for this song! It was a super fun experience!

Link for Incessant Love on iTunes // Incessant Love on iTunes
Link for Incessant Love Music Video // Incessant Love Music Video

I am very excited to say that Breathe In is my first released single. It was released to iTunes on February 11th 2014. I have been writing music basically my entire life. Usually I would sit down at my piano and record me singing and playing to my Girl Talk (old school I know). I would never really show anyone my songs because I just did it for fun. Around 2007 I started working on a TV show called In the Mix and one of the guys I worked with encouraged me to start writing music. I showed him some of my stuff and we started writing and recording. Those earlier songs were mainly used on the TV show and at our church youth group. 

Come 2013 I started writing with a Pastor (Ruben) in our church. He wrote some music and asked me to write the words and melody to it. I wrote a first draft and we were just not happy with it. It didn't pop. We tried again and again and it was like nothing was working so we decided to put it on the back burner. I was praying about the song and felt led to write about Ezekiel and the dry bones. We started talking about that story and it was like the words and melody just came to us. We recorded a demo and put it on the schedule to start singing at our church. It was finally the week before we were supposed to start singing it at church and we were very excited! The Wednesday before it was scheduled to be sung, Ruben & I were sitting in church and our Pastor started reading the same passage from Ezekiel and then started prophesying "oh breath breathe in." I spotted Ruben from across the auditorium and we both kind of freaked out! It was like it was meant to be! (God's timing is ALWAYS right) Even though the song was not totally ready to be played I told the Music Director that we had to sing it for altar call. 

This was a surreal moment for me. The whole congregation without even knowing the song started singing "Oh Breath Breathe In that we may live." As the church fell in love with the song we recorded the song, had it produced, and started selling it on iTunes. I am excited to see what God has in store for the music here at the church! Breathe In is only just the beginning.


Link for Breathe In on iTunes // Breathe In on iTunes

Link for Breathe In Lyrics Video // Breathe In Lyrics Video

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