Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sound Mind > Fear.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind. 

This has been something God has been speaking to me these past few weeks. It has been playing over and over in my head. Why? Sometimes in life we imagine in our heads what we THINK we are going to go through. We talk ourselves into being scared, we talk ourselves into having a fear mentality, and we talk ourselves into being anxious. With this playing in our heads... it keeps us from being filled with God's rest and it keeps us from finding peace in our situations. We stress out about what COULD happen instead of resting in what God has planned for us. 

God has given us POWER, God has given us LOVE, and God has given us a SOUND MIND.

In you situations, in your finances, in your sicknesses, in your family, in your relationships... receive that sound mind. Whatever it is that you are going through... draw on the strength of God to get you through. Fall into His rest and drown yourself in His grace.

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