What is a Church Girl? Some would say... a girl who goes to church. Ya, I guess that could constitute as a Church Girl. But it goes further than that.
My whole life I grew up in church. I grew up being at the church pretty much most every day of the week. When I would watch TV shows or movies that would have "churchy" people in them I could never relate. I didn't wear long skirts, I didn't have long hair, I dyed my hair, I wore makeup, I LOVED fashion, short shorts & tanks, and I was NEVER considered the quiet conservative one. That always had me wondering... why are churchy people portrayed different in the media?
A few years back I was able to host a TV show called "Church Girls." The show was about youthful, driven, successful, and motivated women who have an active relationship with God and are deeply committed to the local church. The premise of the show was to demonstrate that you can live in the world and not be swayed by the things of the world. We were normal girls living normal lives, and are passionately in love with the Lord.
That is a Church Girl. I want girls to know there is more to life than seeking the attention of boys. There is more to life than dressing sexy and trying to get people to look places well... that they shouldn't be looking. There is more to life than drinking so you can have a good time. There is a life out there that is SO MUCH FUN and includes having an active relationship with The Lord!
I always hear young adult girls say "but how do I have fun when hanging around a bunch of church people? Well... maybe you have only seen the church girls portrayed in the media. Give God a chance! Give church a chance. Give Christian living a chance! I promise... you can have fun, dress fashionable, be outspoken, loud, chaotic, crazy, successful, popular, & have the time of your life while still serving God and pursuing His plans for you.
Don't think the mistakes of the past will hold you back. Don't think that in order to be a Church Girl you had to grow up perfect and you never make mistakes. A Church Girl understands that we will have struggles, we won't be perfect, & we will have temptations BUT... we have a family, at church, waiting to help us through. We will have a family, at church, who will continue to speak life in our lives and remind us of the awesome plans God has for us. We have a family to be a part of that is so in love with God.
Be in love with God. Live in the world but make a difference in the world. Be a Church Girl!