Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Made to Fly.

I love when the timing in life is just right! I received a shirt in the mail that says "A Volar" which means "Let's Fly" in English at just the perfect time. I had planned to wear the shirt the following day to church which happened the be the same day that some horrible words about me were brought to my attention. See... it is easy to just let words float off your tongue without thinking about who they will impact. Will my words hurt others? Will they hurt me after I have said them? What benefit will there be for saying something mean about someone else? 

I imagine Jesus when He was here on Earth walking up to the woman at the well and saying "Hey Lady, you are a harlot. Sucks to be you. One day you will be judged." WHAT?! No way! Can you imagine the story happening like that? But what Jesus had to offer her was Himself; He offered kind words and LIFE. And because of His compassion, He not only had a positive impact on HER but also her entire community! Super cool I must say. 

So back to my first story. I could have let those horrible things said about me negatively affect my life. I could have went into a downward spiral about how bad my life is and start feeling sorry for myself. Or... I could choose to fly. Fly above the mean words, fly about negative thoughts, fly above the circumstance. It says in Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

You need to realize that you were made to FLY! You were made to succeed. Don't let anyone cut off your wings with words. Don't let anyone hand your past over you and convince you that you can't move forward because of the things you have done. Don't let anyone tell you that you are unworthy and that your mistakes cannot be forgiven. Don't let them tell you that you are not good enough. Because YOU ARE! All those unkind words are bull crap. God made you! And He does NOT make mistakes. To say you are anything but perfect is to say that God didn't know what He was doing when He thought of you. You are made in His image and He has an awesome plan for your life!

So the next time a negative thought about yourself OR someone else comes into your mind... STOP & THINK! Words hurt. But WORDS DO NOT DEFINE YOU.